What you can learn from pumpkins?
I was out in nature today and it was a beautiful fall day. I was going through a field, and there were a bunch of pumpkins sitting in the field… hundreds and hundreds of pumpkins… and I have to admit the temptation was there to say “hey I can take one of these pumpkins home, make pumpkin pie. But deep down in the core of my center something said “that’s not so wise… it’s not right, these don’t belong to me so I really have no right to take the pumpkins.
You know that gut feeling—that thing that you feel down deep inside. That’s the thing about trusting the gut or trusting your spirit. Just like Adam and Eve, having the temptation… you can never “stop” that temptation because it’s just there sometimes. But you can always choose how you react. You can always choose what you know to be the right thing. I don’t know, that that just came to me today when I was looking at these pumpkins.
I was like, “Wow these aren’t mine I’m not gonna take them and I’m really glad that I didn’t because they were just so beautiful sitting in the field and a gray brown dingy cool day but they still look beautiful just sitting there.” And what I took away from that, was not only the honor and special privilege of being there or just a special feeling to be able to sit there with these pumpkins. But I didn’t have to “cling to them.”
I didn’t have to “have them” and make sure they were “mine.” You know, I just left them where they were, so I feel really good about that experience, and it was a really nice day and a really nice experience and something I learned simply from a bunch of pumpkins.