Don’t forget the simple things

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Remember a moment in your life where you were excited about something. A new friend, a new song, a new toy, a vacation, a book, etc… What a happy, gracious moment.

What is it in us that tends to make us forget that moment of peace, grace, and contentment? Why do we want more, need more, crave more? It seems to be our nature, but there’s something far deeper that is better. That place that appreciates, smiles, and enjoys that one moment. That moment existed and still does— it came from somewhere right? So it must always be there because it was created as such.

With no effort. I think by having an attitude of gratitude, meaning just allowing that grace to “be.” And to never forget it. Be mindful and appreciative of even the most simplest of things. The breath, the heartbeat. The sip of a tea. Simple. Then, all else you can do with or without, and handle with grace. Nice to have, but not NEED to have. Do this, and float calmly with a gentleness inside that allows you to flow through life with much more balance.

Appreciate the simple things, graciously accept the wonders that do appear, and not be disappointed by not craving them or getting them. Be happy with what you have, and gently strive for things that you want to achieve, but for the right reasons. And be honest. Are you craving it or nurturing it? Are you sharing it, or hoarding it for your ego-false-self?

We often disrespect the blessings we receive. We want more, crave more, need more, and create more vicious cycles. Sit. Enjoy. BE that contentment with anything and welcome all. Even the most unpleasant things carry with it blessings in disguise.

Being sick provides a wider perspective on how wonderful it is to feel healthy. The rainy day gives nourishment to the earth, and then moves to sunlight. The broken “things” can be left alone, or fixed— fine tuning patience and skills. So do not forget those simple happy moments.

They have always been there, and always will be. It’s how we were created to be.


Discovering your gifts


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