Believe there is good in the world.
The actual stone I found on a rainy day on a wooded path—under a tree…
Lesson of kindness from the base of a tree
You don’t need to believe in any thing to understand the nature of things and live from your core— your center. I was walking one day talking to a very close friend of mine on the phone. One of my best friends in fact and we have had many great discussions. He tends to generally side on negativity. It doesn’t really match his true Self, being very generous, kind, caring, etc. I think it’s like most of us—what we think we see is often out of fear, frustration, anger, etc…
The news media’s task is to share things that either provide them with better ratings, push their own agendas, and more or less spread gossip and bad news—and often lies. Not always, but most often. So it can be difficult to see the sun behind the clouds, the blue sky behind the dust and dirt. But it’s there. I was walking on a beautiful path in the woods as we spoke. Our discussion was about his moving away to a “safer” place. Understood, as there is a bit of trouble in the town he’s in. But again, from my perspective, not all that much— and we tend see what we believe and focus on. I asked him his belief in percentage of good people vs. bad out of curiosity. He said 90% bad, 10% good. Wow I thought…
That would certainly have an effect on one’s outlook on many things. For me I said, I tend to think more 95% good, 5% not so good. That we all “really” have the ability for good, and that it’s simply what we’re taught and then express that might be “good or bad” actions, thoughts and behaviors that create the issue. In other words, if we all focused on our best and truest Selves we truly would be in a beautiful place. At that exact moment, no lie— under a huge oak tree with rain lightly falling, I saw a bright little object near the base of the tree. As I was talking about kindness on the phone,
I approached this thing and was blown away. It was a small stone, beautifully and colorfully painted with the words “Believe there is good in the world” with a little heart next to it. I picked it up carefully and examined it and was goose-bumped and moved. Someone painted that message and left it. A beautiful intention and act of kindness, found by a stranger, and at the same moment in thinking of it. Coincidence?
Maybe. But nonetheless, these things do happen and evidence that what we think about expands and we attract what we think about— always. What really matters is what’s most important and that all people are born with kindness, and there is in fact— good in the world. A lot of it. Nurture that.